Deprecated API
Terminally Deprecated ElementsElementDescriptionApparently not used. And should be easily replacable by just entering the 'page' string in the action attribute
Deprecated ClassesClassDescriptionapparently shut down but never usedjobs are now handled via queuesjobs are now handled via queuesuse
instead with constructornew AlphanumComparator<IFacetItem>(true, locale, i -> i.getTranslatedLabel() != null ? i.getTranslatedLabel() : i.getLabel())
Deprecated MethodsMethodDescriptionreplaced by
DownloadResource.putPDFDownloadJob(String, String, String, String)
for PDFs. For EPUB this needs to be rewritten using message queue functionality analogous to the handling of PDFsjobs are no longs handled via TaskManager but via queuescurrently unused since download jobs are handled via message queuesapparently shut down but never usedSeems to be unusedUse getFilteredDatabases()Redundant resolving of archive ID via the name + duplicate call to initializeArchiveTree(); use setCurrentResource()This method only remains to avoid pages failing to load which still call this methodnot needed if disclaimer is realized as a sweet alert which is created fromDisclaimerBean.getDisclaimerConfig()
renamed to fullscreenApparently not used. And should be easily replacable by just entering the 'page' string in the action attributeonly used in deprecated methodDownloadResource.getOrCreateDownloadJob(String, String, String, String)
jobs are now handled via queuesOnly used in deprecated methodDownloadJob.checkDownload(String, String, String, String, String, long)
Only used in deprecated methodDownloadJob.checkDownload(String, String, String, String, String, long)
jobs are no longs handled via TaskManager but via queuesjobs are no longs handled via TaskManager but via queuesCreation via TaskManager request is no longer used and this method is never calledrenamed to fullscreenshould always return 0useCollectionView.getBaseElementName()
insteadshould always return falseshould always be 0should always be falseuseCollectionView.setBaseElementName(String)
insteadUse ViewManager.getSourceFileResolverUrl()Use ViewManager.getSourceFileResolverUrl()UsePhysicalElement.getFullText()
Use ViewManager.getSourceFileResolverUrl()Use ViewManager.getSourceFileResolverUrl()No longer in use, as it can produce a list of only irrelevant locales
Deprecated Enum Constants