Package io.goobi.viewer.dao.update
package io.goobi.viewer.dao.update
ClassDescriptionConverts all Tags and Classifications from previous viewer-cms versions to the
from the LONGBLOB datatype (URI in java) to TEXT (String in java).Convertscms_media_items.link_url
from the LONGBLOB datatype (URI in java) to TEXT (String in java).extends cms_record_notes table by row 'note_type' which discriminates between the implementing classes.Management tool to updated deprecated viewer database setups to the one required by the viewer. to be run at viewer start, right after initializing the dao Appplies a fixed list ofIModelUpdates
to theIDAO
which are responsible to make the required changesInterface for classes which manipulate the database to conform to the setup required by the viewerThis class migrates migrates data from the deprcated table cms_sidebar_elements to the new table cms_page_sidebar_elements, which backsCMSSidebarElement