Class DisplayConditions

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Named @SessionScoped @Eager public class DisplayConditions extends Object implements Serializable
DisplayConditions tests whether GUI elements in record views should be visible by a number of factors. These factors encompass the the current view, access conditions and properties of the current record and page. There are two key methods to test display conditions: The methods check against properties of the record and of the current page respectively. Both that a pseudo-json string as an agument that is explained in more detail in the documentation of both methods.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DisplayConditions

      public DisplayConditions()
  • Method Details

    • matchRecord

      Called with a string in form of a modified json object. The object may not contain any quotation marks and values may be preceded by a '!' indicating a negation of the check for this value. A typical form is
           contentType:[IMAGE, AUDIO, VIDEO, MODEL], 
           accessCondition: VIEW_IMAGES, 
           pageType: ![viewMetadata], 
      The object may contain the following properties. Each given property is checked against the current view, request and record:
      • contentType
        Possible values: An array of one or more of the following: IMAGE, AUDIO, VIDEO, MODEL, ALTO, TEI, PDF, EPUB
        Description: Content file types available for the record in the file system. If the record contains at least one of the listed file types, the check returns true
      • mimeType
        Possible values: An array of one or more of the following: image, video, audio, application, text, model (3D-Objekt), other
        Description: Base part of the mime type set for the record in the SOLR database. Generally the mime type of the files within the record's media folder. This check return true if the mime type is any of the values within the list
      • accessCondition
        Possible values: An array of any of the string values of the 'PRIV_' constants defined in IPrivilegeHolder, which is the name of the constant without the 'PRIV_' prefix
        Description: The access privilege which must be satisfied by the current request for the current record. Calls the method AccessConditionUtils.checkAccessPermissionByIdentifierAndLogId(String, String, String, HttpServletRequest) to check access
      • pageType
        Possible values: An array of one or more of the following: viewToc, viewThumbs, viewMetadata, viewFulltext, viewFullscreen, viewObject, viewCalendar, cmsPage
        Descrption: Name of the current record page or 'view'. The condition returns true if the current view is one of the values of the given array
      • sourceFormat
        Possible values: An array of one or more of the following: METS, LIDO, DUBLINCORE, METS_MARC, DENKXWEB
        Description: The source metadata format of the current record. This condition returns true if the format is within the given list.
      • docType
        Possible values: An array of one or more doc struct types from the SOLR field 'DOCSTRCT' and some additional values document structure: 'group', 'groupMember', 'anchor', 'volume', 'record' and 'subStruct' (structure element within a record)
        Description: The structure type of the current record as well as some of the additional values detailing structure hierarchy. The condition returns true if any of the listed values matches one or more structure properties of the current record. 'subStruct' returns true if a structure element within the record is selected
      • numPages
        Possible values: The number of pages within the current record. An integer equals '0' or larger
        Descrption:This condition returns true if the number of pages of the current record equals at least the given number.
      • tocSize
        Possible values: The number of elements within the record's table of content. An integer equals '1' or larger
        Descrption: This condition returns true if the table of content of the current record equals at least the given number. The record document itself counts towards this number so the lowest possible value is 1.
      A '!' character preceding a string value means that the condition should not match the value for the check to return true; preceding an array, it means that none of the values within the list should match the record. Preceding a number, the '!' means that the actual value must be less than the given number for the condition to return true. Values for contentType and accessCondition are cached per http session and record
      json -
      true if the given conditions are met by the current record, false otherwise
      IOException - An exception occured file system resources
      IndexUnreachableException - An exception occured communicating the the viewer data index (SOLR)
      DAOException - An exception occured communicating with the viewer sql database
      RecordNotFoundException - The current record could not be found in the viewer data index when checking access conditions
      PresentationException - Any other exception encountered while checking file system resources or the SOLR database
    • matchPage

      Called with a string in form of a modified json object. The object may not contain any quotation marks and values may be preceded by a '!' indicating a negation of the check for this value. A typical form is
           contentType:[IMAGE, AUDIO, VIDEO, MODEL], 
           accessCondition: VIEW_IMAGES, 
           pageType: ![viewMetadata], 
      The object may contain the following properties. Each given property is checked against the current view, request and record:
      • contentType
        Possible values: An array of one or more of the following: IMAGE, AUDIO, VIDEO, MODEL, ALTO, TEI, PDF, EPUB
        Description: Content file types available for the current page in the file system.
      • mimeType
        Possible values: An array of one or more of the following: image, video, audio, application, text, model (3D-Objekt), other
        Description: Base part of the mime type set for the page document in the SOLR database.
      • accessCondition
        Possible values: An array of any of the string values of the 'PRIV_' constants defined in IPrivilegeHolder, which is the name of the constant without the 'PRIV_' prefix
        Description: The access privilege which must be satisfied by the current request for the current record and page. Calls the method AccessConditionUtils.checkAccessPermissionByIdentifierAndFileNameWithSessionMap(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String) to check access
      • pageType
        Possible values: An array of one or more of the following: viewToc, viewThumbs, viewMetadata, viewFulltext, viewFullscreen, viewObject, viewCalendar, cmsPage
        Descrption: Name of the current record page or 'view'. The condition returns true if the current view is one of the values of the given array
      • A '!' character preceding a string value means that the condition should not match the value for the check to return true; preceding an array, it means that none of the values within the list should match the page. Values for contentType and accessCondition are cached per http session and page
      json -
      true if the given conditions are met by the current page, false otherwise
      IOException - An exception occured file system resources
      IndexUnreachableException - An exception occured communicating the the viewer data index (SOLR)
      DAOException - An exception occured communicating with the viewer sql database
      RecordNotFoundException - The current record could not be found in the viewer data index when checking access conditions
      PresentationException - Any other exception encountered while checking file system resources or the SOLR database
    • getPageType

      public PageType getPageType()
      Get the PageType of the current page
      A PageType
    • getTag

      Get DisplayConditions.UIComponentHelper for the UIComponent with the given identifier within the composite component from which the method is called. This is used to count the number of rendered jsf-components with a specific attribute within said UIComponent.
      id -
      a DisplayConditions.UIComponentHelper for the UIComponent with the given id. If no such component exists, the current component
    • clearCache

      public void clearCache()