Package io.goobi.viewer.managedbeans
package io.goobi.viewer.managedbeans
ClassDescriptionThis bean opens the requested record and provides all data relevant to this record.Administration backend functions.Backing bean for pages adminClientEdit.xhtml and adminClients.xhtmlAdminCommentBean class.AdminConfigEditorBean class.Administration backend functions.Short lived bean to store
metadata lists
.BookmarkBean class.Handles download ticket checks and requests for born-digital files.This bean provides the data for collection and term browsing.This bean provides data for the calendar and time based search entries.Handles security question checks.CMS functions.Managed Bean for editing, deleting and creatingcategories
Bean handling CMS settings for collections.CmsDynamicContentBean class.CmsMediaBean class.CmsNavigationBean class.CmsPageEditBean class.Bean used for listing and retrievingCMSRecordNote
sCMSSidebarWidgetsBean class.Creates and storedCollectionView
s for a session.CommentBean class.This is a wrapper class for theConfiguration
class for access from HTML.Supplies additional content for records (such contents produced by the crowdsourcing module).This this the java backend class for enabling and configuring the cookie banner feature.Bean for uploading Dublin Core records.CrowdsourcingBean class.Bean to check whether the disclaimer applies to a page/record as well as provide a configuration json object for the javascript This bean is session scoped, so all stored settings are discarded outside a jsf sessionBean for editing the disclaimer.DisplayConditions tests whether GUI elements in record views should be visible by a number of factors.Wrapper for aUIComponent
with convenience methods to count contained jsf components with certain attributes.DownloadBean class.Bean for managingGeoMap
s in the admin Backend.Managed bean handlingHighlight
objectsStatus of editing theselected highlight
in the administration backendProvides methods for creation all urls for media delivery (images and other) Examples: imageDelivery.thumbs.thumbnailUrl(pyhsicalElement[, width, height]) imageDelivery.thumbs.thumbnailUrl(structElement[, width, height]) imageDelivery.thumbs.thumbnailUrl(solrDocument[, width, height]) imageDelivery.thumbs.thumbnailUrl(cmsMediaItem[, width, height]) imageDelivery.thumbs.squareThumbnailUrl(pyhsicalElement[, size]) imageDelivery.thumbs.squareThumbnailUrl(structElement[, size]) imageDelivery.thumbs.squareThumbnailUrl(solrDocument[, size]) imageDelivery.images.imageUrl(pyhsicalElement[, pageType]) imageDelivery.pdf.pdfUrl(structElement[, pyhsicalElement[, more physicalElements...]]), pi, filename)MessageQueueBean class.Provides the metadata for the current structure and event elements.This bean contains useful navigation parameters.Used for application wide storage of objects accessible to other managed objectsSearchBeanSitelinkBeanBean for the statistics page.Bean for the tag cloud page.Keeps the global termsOfUse object for the current sessionUsed to edit terms of use in admin backend.Bean representing the primary source record for image display.UploadBean class.Primarily for user authentication.UserDataBean class.UserGroupBean class.View scoped bean to detect leaving a view and perform some action.