All Classes and Interfaces
Abstract AbstractBuilder class.
Abstract AbstractBuilder class.
Abstract AbstractCalendarItem class.
Abstract configuration with base getters.
A configurable filter allowing passage to document entities (record, docStruct, page) which satisfy certain conditions.
Abstract AbstractPageLoader class.
Abstract AbstractSearchParser class.
Binding for all resources which should be authorized by
Checks requests for access conditions.
AccessConditionUtils class.
AccessDeniedException class.
Access permission check outcome.
This bean opens the requested record and provides all data relevant to this record.
Builder for both
and OrderedCollectionPage
for the IIIF Discovery API.Administration backend functions.
Backing bean for pages adminClientEdit.xhtml and adminClients.xhtml
AdminCommentBean class.
AdminConfigEditorBean class.
Administration backend functions.
Binding for resources which should be authorized by
.Only allows requests by sessisions belonging to a logged in goobi-viewer admin account.
Configuration element for advanced search fields.
AlphabetIterator class.
This is an updated version with enhancements made by Daniel Migowski, Andre Bogus, and David Koelle
To convert to use Templates (Java 1.5+): - Change "implements Comparator" to "implements Comparator" - Change "compare(Object o1, Object
o2)" to "compare(String s1, String s2)" - Remove the type checking and casting in compare().
Creates an
of TextualResource
s from the content of an ALTO document.
AltoSearchParser class.
ALTOTools class.
Removes annotations from a persistence context
AnnotationResultList class.
Save WebAnnotations to a persistence contex
Tests a condition on a collection of values, passing either if any value matches of if none matches, depending on the matchIfEqual property
Validator that validates any input.
ViewerApplication class.
ViewerApplication class.
Single archive tree node.
Metadata list for
archive entries
.Loads and holds archive tree models.
Short lived bean to store
metadata lists
for archiveEntries
.Table of contents and associated functionality for a record.
AuthenticationEndpoint class.
AuthenticationException class.
An exception indicating that an error occured when trying to authenticate a user.
Resolver for normdata authority resources identified by their escaped url.
Binding for resources which use an
Allows requests authorized by an authrization token.
Implementation of
which keeps all providers waiting for a response in a
java-backend for autocomplete composite component.
All types of sidebar widgets which are generated automatically if certain conditions are met, usually if certain CMS content exists Currently
(22-01) only CMS-Geomaps provide automatic widgets
Enum containing supported mime types.
BCrypt implements OpenBSD-style Blowfish password hashing using the scheme described in "A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme" by Niels Provos and
David Mazieres.
Utility class for methods that use the FacesContext.
XServiceAuthenticationRequest class.
Authentication response object for Bibliotheca.
BibliothecaProvider class.
Bookmark class.
BookmarkBean class.
BookmarkList class.
BookmarkTools class.
BookshelfConverter class.
BooleanDeserializer class.
BooleanSerializer class.
Handles download ticket checks and requests for born-digital files.
This bean provides the data for collection and term browsing.
Collection tree element.
Representation of a search hit.
BrowseElementInfo interface.
BrowseTerm class.
Custom string comparator for browsing terms (case-insensitive, ignores brackets, natural sorting).
BrowsingMenuFieldConfig class.
BuildMode class.
This bean provides data for the calendar and time based search entries.
CalendarItemCentury class.
CalendarItemDay class.
CalendarItemMonth class.
CalendarItemWeek class.
CalendarItemYear class.
CalendarRow class.
Data for the calendar view of an individual record (e.g. newspaper).
A Campaign is a template to create annotations of specific types for a limited set of target resources and optionally by limited user group within
a limited time frame.
The visibility of the campaign to other users
Statistics calculation mode (status per record or per record page).
Endpoint that maps HTTP session IDs to connected web sockets.
An item containing a campaign and a source to be annotated.
Request filter to ensure only users with sufficient rights may access campaign resources.
Rest resources to create a frontend-view for a campaign to annotate or review a work, and to process the created annotations and/or changes to the
campaign status.
Used to create or read a list of WebAnnotations sorted by their target (a iiif manifest or canvas).
Annotation status of a single page in a record in the context of a particular campaign.
Annotation status of a record in the context of a particular campaign.
A persistence object holding a translated String value.
Handles security question checks.
which may also contain a list of categories
Channel class.
Status describing if the client is eligible to receive viewing privileges
Class managing registration and log-in of
sCMS functions.
Managed Bean for editing, deleting and creating
CMSCategory class.
Converts all Tags and Classifications from previous viewer-cms versions to the
system.A class representing persistent configurations for a collection.
Bean handling CMS settings for collections.
A persistence object holding a translated String value.
Object representing tab status for a collection tree.
Interface for all classes containing a specific kind of content for a
.Wraps a
within a CMSPage
A contentItem to be used in a CMSPage template.
from the LONGBLOB datatype (URI in java) to TEXT (String in java).
CmsDynamicContentBean class.
Exception to throw if an invalid state is reached when editing/creating a cms page
Exception to use when failing to retrieve CMS content
CmsMediaBean class.
Any object which may directly contain a
CMSMediaItem class.
CMSMediaItemMetadata class.
CMSMediaResource class.
CMSMediaResource class.
from the LONGBLOB datatype (URI in java) to TEXT (String in java).CMS content for longer texts, holding up to 16,777,215 characters (all translations combined)
Class holding a formatted text related to a single PI which may be edited in the admin/cms-backend and displayed in a (sidebar) widget
CmsNavigationBean class.
CMSNavigationItem class.
CMSNavigationManager class.
CMSPage class.
to include in a CMSPage
CmsPageConverter class.
CmsPageEditBean class.
Used to select whether sidebar widgets or main content is being edited in adminCmsCreatePage
Return basic information about cms pages.
Page templates are read from XML configuration files and are not stored in the DB.
Template to create a
CMSProperty class.
Class holding a formatted text related to a single PI which may be edited in the admin/cms-backend and displayed in a (sidebar) widget
Bean used for listing and retrieving
sextends cms_record_notes table by row 'note_type' which discriminates between the implementing classes.
CMS content for small texts, holding up to 4,294,967,295 characters (all translations combined)
CMSSidebarElement class.
Wrapper for automatic widgets contained in a CMSPage.
Wrapper element for custom (user created) sidebar widgets.
Wrapper element for default (static) sidebar widgets.
CMSSidebarWidgetsBean class.
Class holding a formatted text related to a single PI which may be edited in the admin/cms-backend and displayed in a (sidebar) widget
Class to persist sliders ("slideshows") created in CMS backend
CMSStaticPage class.
CMSTemplateManager class.
CMSTitleValidator class.
CollectionBuilder class.
CollectionBuilder class.
CollectionLabeledLink class.
Contains additional information of collections searched by
SearchHelper.findAllCollectionsFromField(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, boolean, java.lang.String)
CollectionView class.
Creates and stored
s for a session.
CommentBean class.
Filtered view on collections.
Comment class.
Class to create comments from a text input for a given PI and page order and to save them using a given
CompareYearSolrDocWrapper class.
Representation of one or more Solr documents of DOCTYPE 'Metadata'.
CompoundLabeledLink class.
Condition checker.
Endpoint for unlocking files opened in
when leaving a page
Configuration class.
This is a wrapper class for the
class for access from HTML.A configurable filter allowing passage to document entities (record, docStruct, page) which satisfy certain conditions The filter itself may
contain condition filters which determine if the filter should be applied to an entity
Describes the scope within which a declaration of consent (i.e. clicking the 'accept' button) is valid.
The scope within which the consent is valid
Manages contentAssist requests by returning lists of suggested values from partial input.
Supplies additional content for records (such contents produced by the crowdsourcing module).
Copied from ContentServer to catch ContentServer exceptions.
Optional property of a ContentItem within a template Allows additional control about which fields are shown in the cms-backend for this item.
The publication state of a content item, determining what kind of users may see the item on a page
ContextListener class.
ConvertAbbyyToAlto class.
Class to persist settings for the cookie banner.
This this the java backend class for enabling and configuring the cookie banner feature.
Group item for core messages.
Adds an "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header to a REST response with the value configured in
.Bean for uploading Dublin Core records.
An Annotation class to store annotation in a database
CrowdsourcingBean class.
Binding for resources which should use the
to check access.Allows access to crowdsourcing campaign resources for sessions owned by a goobi-viewer user who has access to the campaign.
Class to persist user generated CMS-Sidebar widgets in the database.
Types of sidebar widgets that contain individual configuration and must be created by a user
Persistence class holding the usage statistics for a single day in the form of a list of
DAOException class.
Management tool to updated deprecated viewer database setups to the one required by the viewer. to be run at viewer start, right after initializing
the dao Appplies a fixed list of
to the IDAO
which are responsible to make the
required changesUtility class for retrieving data folders, data files and source files.
DataManager class.
Responsible for retrieving data from Index to build any IIIF resources
Utility methods for date parsing, etc.
Contains a list of collection names and an additional String "sortAfter" denoting the collection after which the listed collections are to be
DefaultURLBuilder class.
Types of widgets that are always available for CMS pages and cannot be configured
Description for an RSS feed object
DFGViewerImage class.
Class to persist settings for the disclaimer modal.
Bean to check whether the disclaimer applies to a page/record as well as provide a configuration json object for the javascript This bean is
session scoped, so all stored settings are discarded outside a jsf session
Bean for editing the disclaimer.
DisplayConditions tests whether GUI elements in record views should be visible by a number of factors.
Wrapper for a
with convenience methods to count contained jsf components with certain attributes.Describes the locations in the viewer where a notification should be displayed.
The type of viewer-pages that are in scope
UserGeneratedContent stub class for displaying contents generated by the crowdsourcing module.
DocumentReference class.
DownloadBean class.
Binding for all requests to
DownloadException class.
Abstract DownloadJob class.
Download option configuration item.
DownloadResource class.
Endpoint that maps HTTP session IDs to connected web sockets.
This class describes license types for record access conditions and also system user roles (not to be confused with the class Role, however), also
known as core license types.
Old style page loading strategy (load all pages and keep them in memory).
ElementReference class.
Duplicate validator for e-mail addresses.
Syntax validator for e-mail addresses.
Page loader that doesn't actually load any pages (for special purposes like TOC generation).
EPUBDownloadJob class.
ErrorMessage class.
A subtype of
to display a list of possible values of a given SOLR field and link to a search listing of items with a
specific value
FacetItem class.
Class to create maps for facet values and their respective counts which are automatically sorted according to a given sort order.
A map container indicating the the contained map is created using one of the getSortedMap methods
Convenience class for user feedback submission.
File I/O utilities.
An enum of possible file types available for a record.
This file capsules file uploading via jsf h:inputFile
How the filter condition of a
is applied.
Functionality interface.
Class for extracting the actual search term from a fuzzy search.
GenericList class.
Utility methods for converting geo-coordinated between different formats
GeoLocation class.
GeoLocationInfo class.
Bean for managing
s in the admin Backend.Custom configurator that exposes the HTTP session to the web socket endpoint.
Glossary class.
GlossaryManager class.
GlossaryRecord class.
GlossaryResource class.
Interface describing objects that can be queried via HarvestServlet.
Servlet for harvesting crowdsourcing data and overview pages.
HierarchicalBrowseDcElement class.
Managed bean handling
objectsStatus of editing the
selected highlight
in the administration backendTools for parsing html
Validates that any input text has no "script" tags
A subtype of
to display a html text in different languagesValidates that any input text has no html-tags other than
<br>, <b>, <strong>, <em>, <i>, <mark>, <small>, <del>, <ins>, <sub>, <sup>
Abstract HttpAuthenticationProvider class.
HTTPException class.
Encodes responses into UTF-8 and prevents proxy caching.
Represents any shape on a GeoMap, mainly points and polygons
Interface of all user authentication related actions, particularly logging in and out of a viewer user account
ICalendarItem interface.
IDAO interface.
RecordNotFoundException class.
This Servlet maps a given lucene field value to a url and then either redirects there or forwards there, depending on the config.
Creates urls to IIIF Presentation api calls to get manifests, canvases, annotationLists or layers
Binding interface to collect all services for the IIIF presentation API.
Filter for all IIIF Presentation resources.
Adds the @context property to all IIIF Presentation responses in the topmost json element.
Creates a IIIF Search API v1.0 response as
IIIFUrlHandler class.
ILicensee interface.
Converter for either LicenseType or Campaign objects.
AccessDeniedException class.
Default implementation of
to apply this filter in /api/v1/ environment.Provides methods for creation all urls for media delivery (images and other) Examples:
imageDelivery.thumbs.thumbnailUrl(pyhsicalElement[, width, height])
imageDelivery.thumbs.thumbnailUrl(structElement[, width, height])
imageDelivery.thumbs.thumbnailUrl(solrDocument[, width, height])
imageDelivery.thumbs.thumbnailUrl(cmsMediaItem[, width, height])
imageDelivery.thumbs.squareThumbnailUrl(pyhsicalElement[, size])
imageDelivery.thumbs.squareThumbnailUrl(structElement[, size])
imageDelivery.thumbs.squareThumbnailUrl(solrDocument[, size])
imageDelivery.images.imageUrl(pyhsicalElement[, pageType])
imageDelivery.pdf.pdfUrl(structElement[, pyhsicalElement[, more physicalElements...]]), pi, filename)
Provides urls to download pdfs, images and image footer
Filter for IIIF Image info.json requests.
Forwards requests to IIIF image resources referencing a image number (Solr-field "ORDER") to a requests with the appropriate filename.
ImageLevel class.
Adds additional parameters to iiif contentServer requests as requestContext properties.
Request filter for image requests.
Interface for classes which manipulate the database to conform to the setup required by the viewer
IModule interface.
POST request parameters for IndexingResource (indexer version).
Resource for communicating with the indexer process.
Utility class for Solr indexer interactions (indexing, deleting, etc.).
IndexUnreachableException class.
without '@context' attribute, to use for annotation pages embedded within other documents
IPageLoader interface.
Interface for objects containing translations for a set of languages.
IpRange class.
UserConverter class.
IPrivilegeHolder interface.
Interface for creating module-specific urls for viewer pages
JPAClassLoader class.
JPADAO class.
Provides a context for the extent service used in the viewer IIIF Presentation collection responses.
JsonTools class.
LabeledLink class.
Language class.
LanguageHelper class.
LayerBuilder class.
Memory-saving page loader that only loads one page at a time.
License class.
This class describes license types for record access conditions and also system user roles (not to be confused with the class Role, however), also
known as core license types.
LicenseTypeConverter class.
Representation of the Littera authentication response which is delivered as xml.
External authentication provider for the LITTERA reader authentication api (
An authentication provider using the local login provided by the viewer database
LocaleComparator class.
Group item for local messages.
A location on a map.
Filter class for redirecting from protected pages that either require a user login or superuser privileges to the login page.
LoginResult class.
ManifestBuilder class.
ManifestBuilder class.
MediaDeliveryService class.
Resolves urls audio or video files
Simple representation of a cms-media-item
Contains a list of
built from CMSMediaItems
A rest resource for delivering video and audio files.
A single message key with all its available translations for admin backend editing.
MessageQueueBean class.
Manages handling of messages by their respective MessageHandlers.
Messages class.
MessagesTranslation class.
Language + translation pair.
Metadata field configuration.
Provides the metadata for the current structure and event elements.
An object containing a number of translatable metadata values.
MetadataElement class.
MetadataParameter class.
MetadataReplaceRule class.
MetadataTools class.
Wrapper class for metadata parameter value groups, so that JSF can iterate through them properly.
A MetadataView represents a single record metadata view page within a record (along with an own link in the views widget).
Servlet implementation class MetsResolver
ModuleMissingException class.
Produces a list of record identifiers that were unlocked during the set year.
MultiPageReference class.
MyExceptionHandler class.
MyExceptionHandlerFactory class.
This bean contains useful navigation parameters.
NERTag class.
Utility methods for HTTP operations, mail, etc.
Allowed characters and uniqueness validator for user nicknames (displayed names).
NotImplementedException class.
NumberIterator class.
Store simple strings in single database field
Object class.
Resolves urls audio or video files
ObjectFormat class.
ObjectInfo class.
ObjectResource class.
OEmbedRecord class.
Abstract OEmbedResponse class.
Servlet for original content file download.
OpenIdProvider class.
Endpoint for opensearch ( within the viewer instance.
A list of strings with some convenience methods.
A subtype of
to display a list of links to CMS pagesDescribes different ways in which the sequence of images within a record is presented
PageOrientation class.
PageReference class.
PageType class.
PageValidityStatus class.
A configurable filter allowing passage to document entities (record, docStruct, page) which satisfy certain conditions.
Syntax validator for passwords.
PDFDownloadJob class.
PdfHandler class.
Response filter for PDF info requests.
Request filter for PDF download requests.
Used for application wide storage of objects accessible to other managed objects
PersistentTableDataProvider class.
PhotoOEmbedResponse class.
Physical element (page) containing an image, video or audio.
Syntax validator for passwords addresses.
Syntax validator for passwords addresses.
Point3D class.
This Servlet maps a given lucene field value to a url and then either redirects there or forwards there, depending on the config.
PresentationException class.
Comparator that sorts as many items marked as high priority to the beginning of the list as are given in the constructor The remaining items will
be sorted randomly if the random parameter is true or else by the
Functional interface taking no arguments and having no return value
Utility class for retrieving data folders, data files and source files.
This class bundles provider configurations for IIIF manifests int a s single object
Describes whether a
is published or not
QueryListFunctionality class.
An annotation generator to create a specific type of annotation for a specific question.
The QuestionType determines GUI element to use to create annotations for a
, which
also determines the type of body the generated annotations have
RecordDeletedException class.
Binding for downloading files belonging to a record.
Contains data to create a geomap for a record containing complex metadata (metadata documents) with geo coordinates
RecordNotFoundException class.
Instance of a limited view record being loaded by a user.
RecordNotFoundException class.
provides listings of records in reduced iiif form.
POST request parameters for RecordsResource.
An enum of different types of records pertaining to the display-conditions of page elements
RedirectException class.
Sample query : "{!
Validates the entered PI belonging to a record for which the current user may create CMS content.
RestApiException class.
RestApiExceptionMapper class.
Handles urls to configured rest api endpoints.
RichOEmbedResponse class.
taken from:
Represents a role a user can have within a user group.
RoleConverter class.
RSSFeed class.
A subtype of
to display a RSS feed of selected records.Represents a single object within an RSS feed
Represents metadata for an RSS feed object
Servlet implementation class RssResolver
TODO: Removed deprecation marker because this servlet is still required for delivering RSS feeds for sidebar widget.
Persistable search query.
Class to represent children of
which don't represent a complete record and thus need less data.Current faceting settings for a search.
SearchFilter class.
SearchFunctionality class.
Search utility class.
Wrapper class for search hits.
SearchHitsNotificationResource class.
Interface that all classes must implement that may be used in jsf search masks
is the default
implementationSearch query group for the advanced search.
Field/operator/value tuple for the advanced search.
Converts resources found in a search to IIIF Search objects
Used for creating separate groups of search results for a single query.
SearchResultResource class.
A collection of search terms.
An entity holding an object which can be selected or unselected
which can be selected and deselected.Tools to create SelectItem collections to use in jsf components
SequenceBuilder class.
ServletUtils class.
SessionCounterFilter class.
SessionListener class.
Class holding counts of requests of different
s.This class handles the bookmark list stored in the session store
Persistence class containing request counts for a single http session
This class migrates migrates data from the deprcated table cms_sidebar_elements to the new table cms_page_sidebar_elements, which backs
SimpleBrowseElementInfo class.
Sitemap generation.
Resource for sitemap generation.
POST request parameters for SitemapResource.
This class provides constants for Lucene in alphabetical order.
Enum representing values of the Solr field DOCTYPE.
Enum representing values of the Solr field METADATATYPE.
Loads and parses EAD documents from the Solr index.
Solr field information as JSON.
Validates the query syntax and displays the number of hits.
SolrSearchIndex class.
SolrSearchParser class.
Static utility methods for Solr.
Bean for the statistics page.
Writes Indexing files for SOLR indexer
Task managed by the viewers
which indexes all DailySessionUsageStatistics
up to the day before today.Contains field names of STATISTICS_USAGE SOLR documents
Summary of request counts for a certain date range.
Class collecting usage statistics data for a number of days to provide an overall summary for output
A class holding values by which a
instance should be filteredStore simple strings in single database field
A matcher read from a configuration node which matches strings based on certain criteria
StringPair class.
StringTools class.
Each instance of this class represents a structure element.
Sorts StructElements by anchors first, then works, then everything else within anchors and works, elements are sorted by PI, all other elements are
sorted by LOGID
Sorts StructElements by anchors first, then works, then everything else within anchors and works, elements are sorted by PI, all other elements are
sorted by LOGID
StructElement essentials with a reduced memory footprint.
StructureBuilder class.
Syntax validator for subnet masks.
SuccessMessage class.
TableDataFilter class.
TableDataProvider class.
TableDataSource interface.
TableDataSourceException class.
Tag in a tag cloud.
Bean for the tag cloud page.
TagCount class.
TagGroup interface.
The TargetSelector determines which part of a source (usually a iiif manifest or other collection of iiif canvases) is the target for an annotation
generated by a
A process triggered by a REST call using POST and may be monitored via the
.Manages (possibly timeconsuming)
within the viewer which can be triggered and monitored via the TasksResource
jobs are now handled via queues
jobs are now handled via queues
Object to create a
.Create and monitor (possibly time consuming)
within the viewer.
TEITools class.
Upload of resouces for DC record creation.
Keeps the global termsOfUse object for the current session
Used to edit terms of use in admin backend.
TestObject class.
Bean representing the primary source record for image display.
ThemeException class.
apparently shut down but never used
Delivers Thumbnail urls for pages and StructElements.
Table of contents and associated functionality for a record.
Single TOC entry.
TocFunctionality class.
TocMaker class.
TocWriter class.
POST request parameters for RecordsResource.
TranskribusJob class.
TranskribusSession class.
TranskribusUtils class.
which may also hold a locale to indicate the currently visible language/translationTranslations for some text for a set of locales.
Implementation of
which always writes the value as json-object, never as string.
Abstract Translation class.
Translation group configuration item.
A single element as part of a translation group.
TranslationListSerializer class.
TranslationResource class.
TrivialFunctionality class.
UncheckedPresentationException class.
UploadBean class.
DownloadException class.
Abstract DownloadJob class.
URISyntaxValidator class.
Filter for redirecting prettified calls to cmsPages.
Class to be called on requests to be recorded in usage statistics.
Class for retrieving usage statistics for a day or a range of days.
User class.
Primarily for user authentication.
UserConverter class.
UserDataBean class.
UserEndpoint class.
Endpoint that maps HTTP session IDs to connected web sockets.
UserGroup class.
UserGroupBean class.
UserConverter class.
Simplified representation of a
object for json (de-)serialization.
Allows request by sessions with a logged in user.
Only allow requests from a session with a logged in Goobi viewer user.
UserPasswordAuthenticationRequest class.
Objects that map roles to users within a user group.
Version class.
Determines the visible area of a
.Exception that is thrown if an essential configuration element is missing.
Simple template to create a json-representation of a viewer page, typically a CMS-Page.
Stores the url path of a http request organized by its logical parts so application url, application name, view type and parameter urls can be
retrieved independendly.
This class offers static methods to create
from a http request.
ViewerResourceBundle class.
Binding to handle exception in requests by the
.This class offers methods to store information about the current and previous html-view (page) in the session store
The fullscreen view is explicitly excluded from the recorded views, since it acts only as a magnification of the image view, not as a seperate page
Holds information about the currently open record (structure, pages, etc.).
View scoped bean to detect leaving a view and perform some action.
A class containing all conditions to possibly check for when deciding whether to display a page element for a record page
Interchange class to pass visibility conditions from the jsf fronend to a backing bean.
VuAuthenticationResponse class.
VuFindProvider class.
WatermarkHandler class.
Catches general exceptions encountered during rest-api calls and creates an error response.
Bundles configuration for a web resource containing a URI and a label
Class for displaying information about available sidebar widgets in /admin/cms/widgets and the sidebar edit tab of /admin/cms/pages/edit.
Indicates how data for a sidebar widget is created and stored.
WriteTocException class.
XML utilities.
Authentication response object for X-Service.
XServiceProvider class.
instead with constructor